Newport Past
The Interior of Monmouth Court House - the trial of John Frost Chartist Newport

"The Interior Of Monmouth Court House

Faithfully Represented

During the trials of Frost, Williams and Jones, for High Treason in 1839-40:

Sir N. Tindal, Justice of Common Pleas; Baron Parke; and Sir J. Williams, Judges:

Sir F. Pollock, M.P.; Mr. Kelly, M.P.; and Mr. Thomas; Counsel for the Prisoners:

Sir John Campbell, M.P. Attorney General; Sir Thomas Wilde, M.P. Solicitor General; Mr. Wightman; Serjt. Talfourd, M.P.; Serjt. Ludlow; and Hon. Mr. Talbot, Counsel for the Crown."

Source: "The Chartist Riots At Newport" Published by WN Johns 1889.