Newport First Stop - 100 Years of News Stories

Newspaper Reports 1890 - 1899

Researched by Derrick Cyril Vaughan

Star of Gwent. 10th January, 1890
Influenza Epidemic

The influenza epidemic continues unabated throughout the kingdom and numerous deaths are reported. Years have elapsed since the illness was so prevalent at Newport as it is at the present time. It has pervaded the great majority of homes, and it is feared that the death rate for the quarter will be much above the average. The Mayor has been confined to his room, whilst many leading inhabitants suffering from colds, and fearing an attack of influenza, are deeming it prudent to remain within doors.

Star of Gwent. 17th January, 1890
Dastardly Outrage

Three weeks ago Mr. E. Gadd, a cab proprietor, who had made himself popular while filling the office of secretary of his society, discovered that a valuable horse belonging to him refused to take its food, and daily became more emaciated. The services of a vet were called in, and his professional eye discovered that the tongue of the horse had been cut through, whilst there was a deep gash also upon the roof of the animal's mouth, as though inflicted with a knife, no possible cause for such an outrage can be assigned, but steps have been taken to bring the offenders to justice.

Star of Gwent. 17th January, 1890
The Late Elopement from Newport

On the occasion of the recent report of an elopement from this neighbourhood, which has excited the proverbial nine day gossip, it was hinted in some quarters that the missing lady was only temporarily absent from her home, and had gone to meet her husband at a distant port. Subsequent events, however, have proved that the suggestion had no foundation in truth. Instead the husband has returned to Newport seeking his errant wife. Traces of her movements are common but are not such as to afford any hope that they would lead to the discovery of her whereabouts, consisting as they almost solely did, of marks of her writing on blotting paper, with numerous repetitions of well known initials, clearly indicating with whom she had been in frequent correspondence. The injured husband, moreover, has ascertained that the house in which he had resided, had been disposed of by his wife before her departure, on the advice of the "candid friend" having been so far listened to, that the deeds had been prepared in her name.

Star of Gwent. 7th February, 1890
Sad Occurrence at Newport

We deeply regret to report the sudden death of Mr. George Reynolds, the head of Reynolds & Co. of Commercial Street, which took place on Tuesday evening. The winter sale at this establishment is in the course of progress, and Mr. Reynolds has been busily engaged for the past few weeks making the necessary arrangements. On Tuesday he was in business, apparently in his usual state of health, and between, five and six o'clock was in his residence in Cardiff Road to partake of tea. He returned at seven o'clock, and as he complained of feeling unwell, he proceeded upstairs to the room of the housekeeper. Here he was suddenly seized with what appeared to be a fainting fit. Dr. A.G. Thomas was sent for, and he speedily arrived, but in a few minutes Mr. Reynolds expired.

The deceased, who was 54 years of age, was highly respected. Formerly he was a draper's assistant, but by dint of industry and perseverance he became a large employer, and for years past has carried on one of the largest and most successful establishments in the town.

Star of Gwent. 21st February, 189
The Tram "Shaked" Him Up

Frederick Bowen was charged with being drunk and refusing to pay his tram fare. On Saturday evening defendant got on the tram at the Westgate, but when requested to pay his fare said he had no money. He was not very drunk when he got on the car, and the conductor suggested that the shaking of the tram "shaked him up". Defendant said that when he went to pay his fare he found he had no money. Next morning he found two threepenny pieces in the corner of his pocket, and would gladly have paid his fare to get away. He was let off on a payment of a fine of five shillings.

Star of Gwent. 21st February 1890
Robbing a Drunken Lady Visitor

Yesterday afternoon a most respectably attired lady visitor was discovered in the vicinity of the Railway Station, helplessly drunk. The vultures ever on the look out for prey, took immediate advantage of the lady's condition to rob her wholesale, but a policeman arrived at the spot shortly afterwards. The female was conveyed to the lock-up as being the best place of safety. One or two persons, who are alleged to have robbed her, a female being implicated, were afterwards arrested.

Star of Gwent. 21st March, 1890
A Timely Warning

The Newport Magistrates are now like most other ordinary mortals, convinced that the crime of embezzlement in the town has become almost an "epidemic." The frequency with which these cases are being brought before them, is positively alarming. It is to be sincerely hoped and trusted that our young men will take heed of the Magistrate's words. The billiard table, the card room, that wide spread propensity for gambling, which abounds on every side, can have but one result. The salaries paid to young men who resort to such habits are altogether inadequate to feed their passion, and one false step invariably leads on, and that swiftly, to ruin. The friends of Newport's young men should lose no opportunity in speaking timely words of warning.

Star of Gwent. 21st March, 1890
A Little Hero

A little hero lost his life at Newport on Monday evening. Although but a boy of eight summers, he possessed the courage of the Spartan lad. School duties had been concluded in the afternoon; the deceased, accompanied by a younger brother, proceeded to Crindau Pill, where they gambolled by the side of the placid stream. The younger of the two boys fell in, and his brother, without thought of danger, went to his assistance. He rescued the young lad, but lost his own life in doing so, the force of the stream carrying him into deep waters. The occurrence must be a sad one for the parents, but the blow will be chastened by the knowledge of the fact that the deceased died a hero's death.

Star of Gwent. 28th March, 1890
Policemen Fighting at Newport

An amusing story is going the rounds of local circles consisting of persons who are in the "know". Two police officers of the Borough of Newport, were perambulating a fashionable suburb a day or two ago, when they disputed the lengths of the beats being traversed by them. High words speedily led to blows, and the two men, although in front of a police station, engaged in an up and down fight with the "naked 'uns". The Watch Committee have unceremoniously discharged the offending officers, on the principle that policemen are supposed to protect the peace not commit breaches of it.

Star of Gwent. 28th March, 1890
The Farce of our Bye-Laws


A very few days ago you gave an instance of the manner in which some persons are allowed to defy the Bye-Laws while others dare not wink. May I ask who is responsible for the instructions given to the police as regards street obstructions? One tradesman may not hang up a pair of boots outside his shop, while another may cause a blockage of the pavement for hours. I have frequently seen two or three respectable young men ordered to "move on"; they have been engaged in talking quietly on the kerb-stones (not on the pavement) in a back street. Yet for the last two Thursday nights, the bottom of Hill Street has been completely blocked by certain persons who imagine they have a gift for street preaching! If those persons are allowed to become a nuisance, as they undoubtedly are, why not let Free Thinkers and Mormons hold forth also? One has as good a right as the other.


Star of Gwent. 9th May, 1890
Antics of Bulls at Newport

About nine o'clock this Wednesday morning a ferocious bull was being driven from Tredegar Place towards the top of Skinner Street, on its way to the Cattle Market, when the beast made its way to the shop door of Mrs. Newman and Son, music sellers, and thrust its head through the handsome plate glass window. The animal was eventually got to the market without doing further damage.

Half an hour later, a second bull was being driven through New Dock Street, when opposite the back entrance of the Town Hall, leading to the Police Court, it suddenly rushed up the steps, and made its way into the Parade Room. Here it turned, and made its exit, proceeding towards the Police Office, but the door happened to be closed, and the animal could not effect an entrance. The beast was driven out, and apparently determined to have some experience of police courts, or at least functionary thereof, it made its way across the timber yard of Messrs Batchelor & Company, chased by three policemen and the two drovers. Finding the door to the office closed, it turned suddenly on two of the policemen, who, in their haste to avoid any direct confrontation, stepped backwards on a piece of timber and fell to the ground, losing their helmets in the process. This wily animal then proceeded to trample, in deep concentration, and with evident glee, the hats of lawful authority into the ground. While thus engaged, one of the drovers, with great courage, threw a halter over the beast's neck and it was led away, probably well satisfied with its morning's work.

Star of Gwent. 6th June, 1890
An Illegal Edifice

The gambling prosecutions on Monday were by no means devoid of humour. For instance nothing but merriment could, of course, have been occasioned by its being pointed out that any man had a perfect right to bet in the public streets, but if it happened to be raining, or if the sun was burning fiercely, and the man accepted an umbrella being held over him, the umbrella constituted a "gambling place".

Star of Gwent. 6th June, 1890
Arthur Gould

Mr. Arthur Gould was well deserving of the presentation made to him at the Albert Hall on Saturday evening. For years past he has been a prominent figure in all branches of sport as an all-round man; he is not excelled by any other athlete in the Kingdom. At football he is acknowledged to be one of the finest three-quarters in the country. As a sprinter, he has gained great renown, whilst as a cricketer, he has done useful service for the Newport Club. The qualities displayed by him have spendidly developed themselves over the years, and he has won laurels of which any athlete might well feel proud. As showing the interest he takes in his favourite game of football, it may be noted that during the course of one short season, he travelled between 3000 and 4000 miles to play for Newport, and represented Wales in international matches. He is now about to leave Newport to seek his fortune in foreign lands, and a host of local acquaintances will honestly wish him bon voyage and a safe return.

Star of Gwent. 20th June, 1890
An Extraordinary Newport Lad

Henry Saunders, nine years of age was charged with stealing a donkey at Gold Tops, the property of Henry Gummin. - The boy was recently before the court for stealing a horse and trap belonging to Mr. Phillips, butcher, of Caerleon, which he drove to the Forest of Dean. He afterwards attempted to steal a mule from the ballast land, near the Alexandra Dock, and was before the court a week ago, for stealing several balls from the Arcade, but was dismissed on his father promising to take care of him. It had no effect on the lad whose career, considering his age, has been an extraordinary one. On Tuesday last Detective Badger saw the prisoner at Stow Park, leading a mule by a string in the direction of Cardiff Road. The sight of Badger frightened the youth and he ran away. The officer took the mule to the Bridge Hotel stables, where it still remains awaiting an owner. The Magistrates said it was a disgrace to the father, that in spite of previous promises to look after the boy, he was still carrying on with his thieving ways. Saunders replied that unfortunately his wife was rather fond of the drink. The Bench committed the prisoner to Usk for fourteen days to be followed by five years in a reformatory.

Star of Gwent. 6th June, 1890
Juvenile Crime

The amount of Juvenile crime at Newport is becoming appalling. There is scarcely a sitting of the Police Court but what numerous lads are ordered to be locked up in the cells, from periods of from one to three days, also to be severely birched. Older boys are sent to prison, in some instances the sentence to be followed by incarceration in a reformatory. Kindness and severity have each been tried in turn, but without result, in fact juvenile crime is very rapidly on the increase. Much of this is due to the vitiated and blighting influences and teachings of the parents. It is a well known fact that there are hundreds of children in this town, who are being systematically trained to theft, by parents who should lose no opportunity of impressing upon their offspring, the necessity of leading honest lives, they appear altogether indifferent to the fact that they are training their children for a life of CONVICTS.

Daily Telegraph. 23rd June, 1890
The Mayor's "Header"

Can envy, hatred and all uncharitableness dare to assert in the future that the Corporation of Newport, Monmouthshire is not the most advanced and go ahead municipal body on the face of the globe, or, at all events, in that corner of it called Great Britain.

It appears that Newport is blessed with a Mayor totally unlike any other Mayor that has been invented or dreamed of. The average head of a municipality is a being always supposed to array himself in resplendent robes of office, and enjoy thoroughly the consequent awe which falls upon all who behold. A Mayor without robes is a creature which imagination shrinks at, appalled. Newport, however, in the person of its presiding municipal functionary, has set an example which we hardly trust will not be followed or the deluge may be upon us before we wot of it.

Some new baths built at the public charges have been recently opened in the town. The Mayor determined on that interesting occasion to be, as sportsmen would say, in his finest form. He bethought himself in what manner of ceremony of inaugurating public baths might be rendered more striking than such an occasion has ever been made before. It is not every day, no doubt he pondered with himself, that bathing establishments are opened at a cost of £11,000 from the pockets of the ratepayers; and it was therefore fit and becoming he concluded, that the world should hear about it. The world is likely to hear a good deal about it. For what did this unique local official do? He repaired to the baths clad in all the usual trimmings which clothe a Mayor, even in Wales. All around were a bevy of beautiful ladies dressed in their most summery costumes, accompanied by spruce cavaliers, and at one end, arranged in his support, the Aldermen of the Borough. Before them lay the expanse of water hitherto untroubled by the body of any bather.

First of all there were the usual speeches indispensable on such occasions. The Mayor made his speech, but while the other orators were proceeding, he was observed softly and silently gliding away, followed by the Town Clerk. In a few minutes he issued forth again; but gone were the robes of office, and in their stead the Mayor's manly form was observed to be clad in a sort of "over-all", which devotees of Turkish Baths are well acquainted with. Before the surprise and consternation which such a transformation seemed occasioned had died away, another lightning change took place. The bathing towel was thrown off and the Mayor appeared clad in nothing beyond an ordinary bathing suit. We regret to have to state this fact, which is calculated to cause a shock wherever municipalities exist, and the name and office of mayor are still reverenced.

There was, strange to say, no yell of execration at this unique municipal spectacle. Yet nothing of the kind happened. People of Newport there assembled seemed rather to have enjoyed the novelty of the sight, the Mayor in fact, proceeded without more ado to duck himself. He went to the side of the bath and took a refreshing header into the water. The sight of the Mayor's noble enthusiasm for fresh water seems to have been singularly contagious. His Worship was not left in the solitary enjoyment of the new "Order of the Bath", which he had thus boldly and in defiance of all municipal precedent, conferred upon himself. The bodyguard of local policemen, who no sooner saw the Mayor swimming, than the most extraordinary monomania seems to have seized them too. Without waiting to divest themselves of so much as their helmets, the posse of constables tumbled in after their Chief Officer. Then followed the Alderman. During the absence of the Mayor, these worthies must have got wind of what His Worship intended, and they too, had repaired in haste to the dressing rooms, which form a feature of the new baths. Directly after the simultaneous dive into the water of the dozen or more burly policemen, the Councillors and Town Clerk were observed to pop out of unexpected doors, and make a rush for the scene of watery amusement. The bath was soon aligned with dripping heads amid which the helmets of the police had a rather comical effect. Encouraged by cheers and laughter of the spectators, the Mayor and his attendant satellites, scrambled out, and proceeded to dress themselves. In a short space of time out came the Mayor again clothed and in his ordinary mayoral finery and departed for a ceremonial luncheon which was the next item on the official programme.

Star of Gwent. 18th July, 1890
High Sheriff

Mr. Thomas Beynon, the High Sheriff of Monmouthshire, has proved that the honours which should touch Shrievalty are safe while in his keeping. The Office of High Sheriff, although a thankless one, for it constitutes the holder as public executioner for his county, in the event of no other man being found willing to undertake the duty, is still one regarded as a prize by English gentlemen. Non-acceptance of it involves a fine of £500, whilst on the other hand, the post carries a heavy expenditure without a single shilling of salary attached to it.

Star of Gwent. 25th July, 1890
Worship of Dirt at Newport


It has been said that to give the lower classes better dwellings, they would be benefitted both morally and physically. That is a consummation devoutly to be wished, but it seems very questionable whether it will have that effect in general. Unless the advantages of the use of water and soap are inculcated into the minds of the lower classes, all the nice clean houses ever built hardly will eradicate their inherent love of dirt and squalor, at least in this or the next generation.

To one who walks about the town with an observant eye, it is pitiable in the extreme to see the neglected, filthy, squalid condition of the children. Go in any part of the town one will, in the localities occupied by the wage earning class, the streets seem to be given over to the children as play-grounds. The women revel in dirt, and are to be seen lolling and gossiping on the doorsteps. Here you see a brawny, frowsy-headed matron with breasts exposed, suckling a child. All seem to reek with dirt. Girls of fourteen or fifteen are seen with hardly enough rags on for decency, shoe-less, and stocking-less. The boys are in rags and tatters, and join in the endless rivalry as to who should get into the most dirt. A group of children are quarrelling, making use of the most disgusting language. The only check they receive, an objurgation from their mothers, if they can make it convenient to spare a few words with the children, to "shut up", accompanied, in all probability, by threats of what they will do. The mothers then return to their gossip and the children to their rows. What sort of promise does this give of the coming generation? It is almost too much to hope that with clean dwellings the dirty habits will vanish.

Signed by a Working Man.

Star of Gwent. 15th August, 1890

The inhabitants of Gold Tops, one of the aristocratic suburbs of Newport, have a sore grievance which stands in need of drastic remedy. The question is one not to be dilated upon without care and consideration, and yet it is a fester which should be cauterised and burnt out, not simply healed by a temporary covering of the wound.

This part of the town after the shades of evening have fallen, is invaded with rampant indecency, and scenes can be witnessed, even at an early hour, highly discreditable. The Superintendent of Police, admitted on Wednesday, that the residents had in regard to this matter, complained to him for months past. This being so, offenders should be accorded heavier punishment than the imposition of fines only amounting to half a guinea. The laws of morality should be strictly enforced, not trifled with.

Star of Gwent. 15th August, 1890
Difficulty in Obtaining Beer


Kindly allow me, through your valuable paper, to complain of the unfair way we are treated in Caerleon Road. You no doubt remember that Caerleon Road was taken into the Borough last year. What we have to complain of is there is no accommodation in the shape of an hotel, or public house, of any kind; which means that working men coming home from a days work about nine o'clock, have to run or send a mile and a half away, for a drop of supper beer. If too tired to go ourselves, we have to send our children. Hoping that the Justices of the Peace will remedy this sort of thing before long.

I remain etc. a Working Man

Star of Gwent. 5th September, 1890
"The Llanellyites"

The members of this team are still very sore at the Newport football team having refused to meet them this season for the purposes of a match. The complaint of Newport is that as a rule the Llanelly men, instead of playing a fair and legitimate game, invariably endeavour to win by brute force. It is numerous complaints on this score that again Newport has decided that this season, at all events, they will not play Llanelly. The Tinplaters are accusing the Newport team of being craven-hearted cowards. That Llanelly has been in the habit of resorting to horse play whilst in the field, is strengthened by the fact that Cardiff has also again refused to play them this year, on the same grounds.

Star of Gwent. 26th October, 1890
Newport Police Courts

A case heard at Newport-Police Court on Monday, once more shows what miserable cowards those men are who violently assault other persons when the opportunity is favourable. A powerful fellow, about thirty years of age, was charged with violently assaulting his father, a man double his age. The prisoner amused himself on Sunday by discolouring his father's face with his fist and that, too, without the slightest cause; even now the father admits he has to still maintain him. The Bench very rightly regarded this assault as one which merited severe punishment, and directly they intimated this to the prisoner he commenced to blubber, much in the same manner as a child of five or six when it anticipates correction at the hands of its mother. This only adds to the contempt which must be felt for such a coward. The prisoner, too, cried, or perhaps pretended to, like a child, when pleading for a reduction of the 28 days imprisonment which the Bench passed upon him, and which he so richly deserved.

Star of Gwent. 21st November, 1890
Hours for a Servant Girl


In reference to servants' hours, I think it is high time something was done in the matter. Many girls are on from six thirty in the morning until eleven or twelve o'clock at night. I, for one, think we have no life. As the shops are closing early, I think steps should be taken for female servants to be able to get out early, in order to get what they may require, not half past seven or eight o'clock, the same as many do now. I say life is not worth living if things are going on at this rate. Slaves we are called, a more suitable name could not be found. We all ought to strike and strike we will, and let the so called gentry do their work themselves, for us girls mean to stick up for their rights. Trusting I am not intruding on your valuable space -

I am
Fellow Sufferer


Star of Gwent. 9th January, 1891
Morality of Newport

The Newport Magistrates are to be commended for dealing with a firm hand with acts of indecency whensoever or wheresoever committed. It is a gross and glaring evil that ladies resident, in what may be termed the fashionable suburbs of the borough, are afraid to leave their houses unattended after darkness has set in. It is monstrous, too, that vendors of indecent cards shall publicly ply their avocation in the streets, even though assistant schoolmasters be attracted to the spot, without meeting with the punishment which they so richly deserve. The Superintendent of Police is again on the alert, and it is to be hoped he will turn his attention to those disgusting hand-bills now being posted up in public places of convenience. The morality of the youth of Newport is being corrupted thereby and must be protected.

Star of Gwent. 30th January, 1891
Death of the Town Crier

Mr. Williams for many years Town Crier and Mace-bearer of Newport, has just expired at the advanced age of 91. Failing health for several years past has rendered it impossible for him to perform his duties, but deceased was out so recently as a week ago. He was the last male survivor of old Newport Freemen, and up to the day of his death he annually received in consequence thereof a portion of the rents derivable from the Marshes. The deceased lost his wife two years ago, so that this allowance dies with him. For many years he carried the Mace in front of the Mayor on public civic occasions.

Star of Gwent. 13th February, 1891
Singular Disappearance at Newport

There is a considerable amount of local gossip just now concerning the unexpected isappearance of a young gentleman from Newport. He was on the eve of getting married to a young lady well known in the town, and it is stated she had almost completed the furnishing of her new home when the expectant bridegroom disappeared. It is believed that his relatives have received information as to his whereabouts, and have urged him to return and carry out the marriage contract.

Star of Gwent. 20th February, 1891
A Drunken Turkey

A Chepstow farmer drove into Newport a few days ago and purchased some corn, also two bottles of whiskey. On arriving back home he discovered that during the journey the bottles of whiskey had got broken, the corn being saturated with the liquor. The corn was thrown into a heap in the farmyard, and was freely partaken of during the night by some turkeys. One of these was discovered the following morning by the farmer apparently lifeless and its owner, believing it to be dead from a cause which did not render it unsaleable, plucked it in readiness for Chepstow Market on the following day. The morning duly arrived, but the farmer on proceeding to fetch the turkey, found it alive and hopping about in the yard - plucked though it was.

Star of Gwent. 6th March, 1891
Newport Camera Club

On Saturday evening the above club was successfully founded. The Chair was taken at the Members Meeting at 7 p.m. by E.J. Smith Esq., the oldest amateur photographer in the district. The rules were considered and adopted. Shortly after the Officers and Committee had been appointed, a beautiful collection of pictures of American scenery lent for the occasion (by the proprietors of "Photography) were exhibited by magnificent optical lanterns. Some 250 ladies and gentlemen were present by special invitation to view the collection, and all conceded the pictures to be an artistic treat.

Star of Gwent. 6th July, 1891


I take it as a favourable sign that the public are commencing to advertise their wants etc. in the press under the heading of Newport-on-Usk. This is unmistakable proof that the new name for our town is making its way satisfactorily. - Printers, kindly note!

I am sir - Newport-on-Usk

Star of Gwent. 14th August, 1891
A Disorderly House at Newport

At Newport Police Court on Friday before H. Phillips Esq. and D.A. Vaughan Esq., - Henry Wright and Selina Maluci, who did not appear, were summoned for keeping a brothel. The Town Clerk prosecuting said the premises were situate at 148 Dock Street and as this was a quiet part of the street in which the business was conducted, it became an intolerable nuisance to the neighbourhood. Frank Kingdom, collier, went to the house in Dock Street on July 3rd in company with Maggie Mansfield, with whom he slept for the night and paid Wright three shillings for the bed. On the following Saturday night he stayed there again with Mansfield. On July 25th he stayed at the house with a girl named Lewis. He had paid both Wright and Maluci whom he knew as Mrs. Wright. On Monday night last he stayed there again with Mansfield and went there again on Tuesday night. He told Wright he would pay him next morning but after he got upstairs Wright came up and ordered him out. When he got downstairs Wright knocked him down and he got the police. Mansfield, of 45 Baldwin Street, then gave evidence that she had seen other girls at the house with men. P.C. Packer said he had seen prostitutes and men go to the house. He knew it to be a brothel. The Chairman said Wright would be fined £10 or two months and Meluci £5 or one month.

Star of Gwent. 18th November, 1891
Squib Night at Newport

On the 5th the streets were more lively than usual it is true and fireworks are still resorted to, but to a smaller extent than was previously the case, fortunately rough horse-play and street riots, in which ere now a policeman has lost his life; and the bitterness engendered between Protestants and Roman Catholics, are things of the past. Our Roman Catholic fellow townsmen, no longer regard the celebration of Guy Fawkes' Day as a studied insult to their religion. They now take part in the celebration, purchasing fireworks for the amusement of their children and their families. As a consequence, what is familiarly known as "Squib Night", has become perfectly harmless. The police have recognised this for some years past, and their non-interference, has done more than anything else in maintaining order. The glories of "Squib Night" are only to be regarded as things of the past.


Star of Gwent. 31st May, 1892
Charge of Drunkeness

John Brown an old man of 75, market gardener, was summoned for being drunk while in charge of a horse and wagon. On Wednesday last while driving a horse and wagon in Caerleon Road and Junction Road he knocked down a woman named Hagerty. She was taken to the Infirmary where she died. The Town Clerk prosecuting, produced a number of witnesses who stated that the man was the worse for drink.

Rachael Harris of 12 Alfred Street, 13 years of age, said that she saw defendant driving a horse and trap. He turned sharply into Junction Road at the same time as the woman was crossing the road. She stumbled and fell and two wheels passed over her. A man in Caerleon Road shouted at the driver to stop but he took no heed of him. A boy ran up to the cart and shouted "Here, old man, you have driven over a woman." He then got down. Elizabeth Griffiths, 4 Alfred Street, Harriet Gillard, Alice Phillips and Inspector Jones all gave corroborative evidence. Last witness said he saw the defendant who was drunk and brought him to the police station. The Inspector said he had known Brown for many years and had never seen him drunk, in his opinion the defendant was a very steady man. Mr. W.L. Moore for the defence, contended that Brown was suffering from the effect of shock and that he was not drunk. The Bench thought there was a slight doubt and that therefore the case would be dismissed.

South Wales Argus. 22nd June, 1892
Accident at Newport

An inquest was held oyesterday on the body of John Cummings aged five years who was killed in the street on Monday afternoon. Rose Cummings said she was the wife of a labourer living in Kear Street and the deceased was her son. She had taken her child out with her to sell chalk as her husband was in the Infirmary. P.C. David Thomas said that at 2.30 on Monday afternoon he was standing at the bottom of Stow Hill, when he saw the boy running behind a cart which turned into Baneswell Road. As it did so, the boy suddenly turned away and ran in front of a Hansom cab which was coming down High Street. The horse knocked the child down and the wheel passed over his body. The driver of the cab was Thomas Collett and the cab was going at a very moderate pace and no blame could be attached to the driver. The house surgeon at the Infirmary said the lad never recovered consciousness. A verdict of accidental death was returned.

South Wales Argus. 18th August, 1892

A shop to let: 13 Griffin Street, opposite the Market. Good Position - Mr. Huntley, Egg merchant next door.

For Sale Handsome Walnut Piano, with all the latest improvements, double action, full compass. Price Eighteen Guineas - cost £45 - Ede's Old Curiosity Shop, Newport.

For Sale 2 Houses, Henry Street, £150 each.

To Let 2 houses, Bryngwyn Road and Clytha Park, £45 and £50 per annum respectively. Clyde Bank Villa, Manley Road, £25 per annum; Clifton Villa, Chepstow Road £42 per annum.

South Wales Argus. 20th August, 1892
Going for the Bailiff's Apples

At Newport County Police Court today, seven Newport lads named William Dunn, Charles Davies, Jeremiah Haggerty, William Lewis, John Rossiter, Charles George and William Ferris, were summoned for stealing fruit and damaging fruit trees. - On Sunday afternoon lads to the number of 20, went to the vicinity of Bassaleg Road and forced an entrance into the garden of Mr. James Greenaway, a bailiff to Lord Tredegar at Ebbw Bridge, and helped themselves to a quantity of apples. After they had filled their pockets they returned to the road, where P.C. Pettitt, who had seen them enter the garden, awaited them. He first of all approached Dunn who, however, denied entering the garden or having any apples. Up to this time the constable had not said anything about apples. When he went to the group of boys they incriminated one another. He took the names of the biggest lads and let the smaller ones go. Greenaway said great damage was done to his garden every year, in fact, it was virtually stripped by boys. He wished to put a stop to the practice. Applying to the Bench the other boys said they were led away by Dunn. Dunn was sentenced to one month's imprisonment. Williams (who gave a fictitious name and address), was fined five shillings and the remainder of the lads whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 were fined two shillings and sixpence each.

South Wales Argus. 7th November, 1892
The Fifth of November

Newport's method of celebrating the 5th of November is remarkable - and not creditable. Such an exhibition as that which took place outside the Westgate on Saturday night would not be tolerated in any other town in the Kingdom. Commercial Street was blocked by a mob - a foolish and reckless mob, which included many who ought to have known better - and they amused themselves for two or three hours by hurling fireworks into the air, reckless of where they fell. Squibs and crackers were sent into the crowd and hurled into shops, and the wonder is that fires did not occur and that some persons did not lose their sight, for it seemed to be a matter of indifference whither the sparks went or what damage was done, and in some instances foolish boys and young women directed the squibs point blank at people's faces, and that is in the name of "fun." Many tradesmen complained bitterly of the loss they sustained, for business was practically at a standstill. The exhibition was both useless and childish and the police looked on with the serenity of graven images. If fireworks are a necessity to Newportonions on Guy Fawkes Day, let them then make provision for a great bonfire displayed somewhere outside the town and let the streets be free of the nuisance.

South Wales Argus. 15th November, 1892
Reluctant Prosecutors

James Selfis, a strong-looking young man was summoned for assaulting his aged mother and father who live at 4 Wolsley Street. - On Saturday night, explained the mother, defendant had a drop of beer and went home quarrelsome. The mother gave her evidence reluctantly, and now said her son did not kick her as she had told the officer. The father however, said his son hit him several times in the face. Defendant was fined twenty shillings or 14 days.


South Wales Weekly Argus. 17th June, 1893
The Royal Marriage

A question of celebrating the approaching Royal Wedding in Newport was before a meeting of ratepayers at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The Assembly was filled with an audience composed of all classes and the Mayor presided. The subject of declaring a general holiday on 6th June was the point on which the discussion turned, and it was at once evident that there would be opposition to such a course.

Mr. J. Broad prefaced his observations with the remark that he was loyal to the Queen and to the Royal Family and that he wished every happiness to the Duke of York and his bride. The question they had met to discuss affected the working men of the town more than any other section of the community and they had had to suffer considerably of late. (Hear, Hear!) He was prepared to fill the room with skilled mechanics whose average wages for the last 12 months had not exceeded £1 per week. He objected to the holiday because the working men, their wives and children would suffer. (applause). What would a day's work lost mean to the working man in receipt of a £1 a week; with 4 or 5 children along the table - sometimes 6 or 7. It would mean that instead of having a piece of beef on the Sunday, after the Royal Prince was married, he would have to put up with a red herring or a bloater. (Laughter and Hear, Hears!) Besides that he would have the dark looks of his wife and the hungry faces of his children to meet. He therefore proposed the following Resolution. "That this meeting while wishing the Duke and his bride all happiness, but taking into account the depressed state of trade, cannot conscientiously ask for the declaration of the 6th July a general holiday." (applause)

Mr. W. Payne seconded the resolution, it was put, and carried unanimously.

Star of Gwent. 15th July, 1893
Street Accident

On Saturday evening a boy named William Spense whose parents reside at 15 Capel Street was run over in Commercial Road by a ginger beer cart belonging to Mr. Elliot and driven by a youth named Roberts. The boy it appears was playing with some companions at the time and no blame whatever is attached to the driver. Spense was attended to by Doctor Hudson who discovered that his thigh had been fractured.

South Wales Argus. 19th July, 1893
Music in Park Square

The following programme will be played by the Post Office Band on Thursday evening next, weather permitting: "March Tivoli" Schroder; Grand Selection of Sir H. Bishop's "Glass" (solos by principal instruments); Waltz "Fiddle and Eye", Otto Roeder; "Lancers - Army and Navy", Godfrey. Bandmaster F.J. Richardson.

South Wales Argus. 19th July, 1893
Police Trip

Newport Police through the generosity of the Watch Committee have been entertained to an outing to Weston. One half proceeded on Tuesday by the "Queen of the Bay". Each member was allowed to bring his wife or a friend. The other half of the force proceeded today. On both occasions the trip was interfered with for part of the day by rain.

South Wales Argus. 23rd August, 1893
Bad Times

William Thomas charged with sleeping under a hay-rick at Alteryn, was discharged on promising to leave the town. The prisoner said he had no money, and had no work, and if he went elsewhere he would only have to walk about. The Mayor: "I'm afraid so too."

South Wales Argus. 23rd August 1893
Challenge to Morgan Crowther

A challenge has been issued to Morgan Crowther of Newport, by George Siddons, who has met all the best feather-weights in America, to box Crowther at 118lbs or 1221bs for best purse offered.

South Wales Argus. 25th August, 1893
Newport Police Court

George Marshall, Lime Street, and William Henry Jones, Marion Street, were summoned before the Police Court today for an assault on Mary E. Clarke, a married woman residing at St. George's Buildings, Jeddo Street. She stated that on Saturday night about a quarter past ten she went to bed with her little children. Her husband was doing twenty eight days in Usk, and she had no food or fire, and went to bed because she had nothing to eat. At eleven o'clock a Mrs. Burke, who was living with her had a quarrel with a man who lived opposite, over the children. She got out of bed when she heard the noise, and found seven young fellows on the landing. She told them to go out and three of them turned back, but the others rushed into her bedroom. One of them hid behind the door, and another got under the bed. Her child told her the men were in the room and she ordered them out. One of them blew her candle out and threw her on the bed, while the one under the bed tried to commit an indecent assault. Defendants said they had been attracted to the house by cries of "Murder." They denied having been in the bedroom. The woman was tipsy. If she had nothing to eat she had plenty to drink. Anne Burke was called but would not swear to the identity of the men. P.C. Cordey stated he had heard the disturbance and found complainant along with a number of other women. They were in drink. The Bench dismissed the case for want of evidence of identity.

South Wales Argus. 29th August, 1893
Continuation Classes

The Roman Catholics of Newport, under the energetic direction of Rev. Father Bailey, have commenced a series of continuation classes open to all over 14 years of age, free of charge, the only condition being that scholars must attend regularly, or submit to a fine. The programme for this term covers a number of subjects, including French, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Drawing etc.. The classes were opened on Wednesday night and were crowded to excess.

South Wales Argus. 28th October, 1893
Cigarette Manufacture at Newport

The South Wales Tobacco Manufacturing Company, whose factory is located in High Street, Newport, have recently introduced a new feature into their business, which is likely to be popular with the public, and will be profitable to the concern, namely: the manufacture of cigarettes. When the company was formed four years ago, cigarettes were not offered for sale, only tobacco and cigars, but after due consideration the directors decided to experiment in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes, as carried out in other large towns. The result has been highly satisfactory, not to say remarkable.

South Wales Argus. 6th November, 1893
General Booth in Newport

The Albert Hall has been the scene of many gatherings of varied character, but never in its history, perhaps, has so large a number of people assembled within its walls as was the case on Sunday, when special meetings of the Salvation Army were held and conducted by General Booth. Many remember the occasion of the General's visit to Newport in the Winter of 1881, but the attendances this year far outweigh those of twelve years ago. They exceeded the expectations of the General, who is a man of fine physique and commanding presence and possessed of high intellectual attainment and extraordinary organising ability, and is well fitted to control a great body of men and women like the Salvation Army.

South Wales Argus. 7th November, 1893
Guy Fawkes' Night

The "Fifth" was celebrated with the customary rough and rowdy scenes. Throughout the day the streets were given up to the mercy of the fireworks of exploding urchins and between eight and ten at night the spirit of license was fully abroad, and kept up in the principal streets. A great crowd blocked the street at the Westgate, and those present amused themselves by discharging squibs and crackers at each other, while young boys ran along the street dragging blazing pieces of wood saturated with tar behind them. One rather unusual instant occurred at Maindee. On Monday a boy was fined for throwing a squib into the grocer's shop of Mr. Turner. That night a gang of about a hundred boys besieged the shop, which they stormed with a perfect shower of fireworks and blazing staves. A piece of tar-barrel was sent against the door, and had not a body of men in the neighbourhood come to the shop-keepers assistance the place would have been set on fire. The police were conspicuously absent while these scenes were being enacted, although one was seen leisurely strolling up after the noisy crew had been driven off.

South Wales Argus. 25th November, 1893
Alarming Explosion

About nine o'clock this morning alarm was created in Commercial Street by the report of a loud explosion which caused the windows to rattle and a great shower of mud flying over the footpaths. A Great Western lorry loaded with petroleum barrels, was passing the Metropolitan Bank. The wheels passed over a heap of mud dredged out of the grating by the scavengers, and when the explosion occurred the mud was scattered in all directions, freely bespattering the buildings and people near. Mr. Smith, draper, was standing on the steps outside his shop and he imagined that the barrels had exploded. He was covered with mud as well as the goods he had hung out of the door. A search among the rubbish along the street revealed the fact that a wheel had passed over a fog signal which had evidently been brought out of the grating into which it had been dropped by someone passing.


South Wales Argus. 1st February, 1894
Defaulting Clerks

The list of defaulting clerks who have of late found it convenient to hurriedly leave their employment in consequence of unwarrantable freedom with their employers' money, is a long one, but two others have recently been added to the list. One was employed by a Newport merchant in whose service he had been for about a year. It was discovered that certain accounts had been collected but not paid in, and the young man thereafter did not put in an appearance at the office, though he has since been seen in Newport. In the other case a relation of the young fellow above referred to, who was in the employ of a firm of Newport coal merchants, is also alleged to have tampered with the money of the firm, and with a considerable deficit to face he thought it better to avoid exposure, though we are informed his employers decided not to prosecute. This young man, it is said, has been living beyond his means and consorting with men whose pockets were better able to afford extravagance than his own, and as he tried to "go the pace" with them his employers had to "pay the piper."

South Wales Argus. 24th April, 1894
Letter to the Editor of the South Wales Argus

Dear Sir,

Knowing that your columns are always open to the oppressed and downtrodden, I venture to address you on a subject that is occupying the attention of many of the people of Newport.

Surprise has often been expressed that many classes, notably the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon and Kindred Meetings, have been restricted to men, but I can restrain my indignation no longer when I find that women are to be excluded from the Rev. Bruce Wallace's meeting next Sunday afternoon. It is to be held at a time when many women could attend, whose home duties would detain them in the evenings.

If either sex must be excluded on that occasion, would it not be far more reasonable to shut out the men for once? They have infinitely greater opportunities for informing themselves on social questions than we have, and yet they exclude us from this most important, most instructive and convenient time to meet him. I am not a member of the "shrieking sisterhood" not even a public speaker, only a quiet "haus frau", but in common with many mothers, I take the keenest interest in this subject.

I am anxious for the social arrangements of the future to be directed on the right lines, so that my little ones may grow up to have a better chance than we have had. I think that the selfish monopoly of a meeting like this by the men is, like our unequal marriage laws, and the denial of the suffrage, and evidence of the time honoured masculine desire to keep women ignorant, lest they should gain too much influence in social and political life. In this desire the men must claim kinship with their "rude forefathers" of the barbaric ages, and with their brethren of savage and uncivilised tribes. Assured that you will use your influence in this and similar matters.

I am, Yours faithfully,


South Wales Argus. 26th April, 1894
Letter to the Editor of the South Wales Argus

Dear Sir,

The letter signed "Citoyenne" in your issue of yesterday forces me to protest against what I regard as one of the worst signs of our times, viz., the great desire of women to interfere in public affairs. They apparently wish to attend not only Mr. Bruce Wallace's meeting on Sunday afternoon, but all other meetings which hitherto have been very properly reserved for men. Why do they trouble their dear little heads with these abstruse problems? They may safely leave the management of social affairs to the men. If they want to help forward reforms of this kind, their best plan is to attend well to their homes and their families, keep things comfortable for their husbands, and so prevent them going to the public house and engaging in other undesirable pursuits. If they have time to spare for matters outside their homes, let them attend sewing, nursing or cooking classes, which will fit them for woman's proper sphere, and not go filling their minds with subjects calculated to divert their attention from their feminine duties and spoil their womanliness. I am sure that the hysterical and ridiculous letter of Citoyenne only represents the opinion of a small minority; and in that I am supported by a large section of the community.

I am, dear Sir, Yours sincerely,


South Wales Argus. 28th April, 1894


The need for public play-grounds is certainly felt in Newport. There is absolutely nowhere for the smaller children of the congested parts of the borough to give vent to their exuberant spirits. From the home they drift to the door-step, from that to the street, and from the street too often to the Police Courts. The grabbing spirit which accounts for houses with nothing but a square yard of flagstone to do duty for a back garden will in the future, I fancy, be compelled to answer a few questions as to the loose morals and the vice abounding in our large towns.

South Wales Argus. 12th May, 1894
A Policeman's Lot

For once a Newport Borough policeman was discovered on Thursday night exactly at the time and place he was required. A young man had fallen on the pavement in Havelock Street and stunned himself. Some friends picked him up, but the poor fellow evidently in a dazed condition was unable to say where his residence was. A policeman at that moment came hurrying round from St. Mary Street on his was to the police station to commence his beat. One of the bystanders appealed to the officer to ascertain the young man's address but the worthy P.C. was not to be bothered. "Go away, go away," was all he could vouchsafe in response to the eager enquiries, and with head down he made his way quickly through the little crowd to that secluded corner of the globe known as " round the corner".


South Wales Argus. 30th July, 1895
The Empire - Newport

Another excellent company provides the programme at the Empire this week. On Monday night the house was filled to overflowing. Every turn is worth seeing while some of the performances are of an unusual excellence. Harry Champion, of course proved himself a great favourite, and was obliged to respond to no fewer than three encores. The Delivantis, who are quite young girls, gave a remarkably clever acrobatic performance, each of their feats being loudly applauded. One of the best displays of the evening was that by Townsend, Josephine and Lucretia. The leg twists and splits, together with the marvellously high kicking of one of the young ladies, met with the highest commendation at the hands of the audience. Mark Egerton, a topical singer, would be well advised to make his political songs of a less one-sided character, Fay Hinton gave an able rendering of two Coster songs, for which she was loudly encored and Miss Casey who possessed any amount of "go" concluded a really fine performance.

South Wales Argus. 21st August, 1895
Electric Lighting at Newport

Newport town Hall was lighted for the first time by electricity on Monday evening. The lights were turned on by Alderman J. Moses, the Chairman of the Electric Lighting sub-committee, and Alderman T. Jones, Councillor G. Greenland and the Borough Surveyor (Mr. R.H. Haynes) were also present. The general effect of the lights was most pleasing, and the trial was in every way a thorough and complete success.


South Wales Argus. 27th May, 1896
Great Fire at Newport

Probably the greatest fire ever witnessed in Newport occurred early this morning. Shortly before 1 a.m. an alarm of fire was raised and immediately a constable dashed off to the police-office and communicated to the fire brigade the news that the Victoria Theatre was ablaze. The brigade was promptly on the spot under the direction of Captain Horace Lyne and Lieutenant E. Coulman with the hose-carts, fire escapes, and the steamer and manual engines. In a short time the men were directing the water towards the flames. At this period the whole roof was ablaze - for the fire, which had apparently started at the stage, travelled from end to end of the building, before igniting the roof. So low was the pressure of water that not a jet could be thrust to half the height of the building. It is pretty certain that nothing could have saved the theatre, even if the pressure from the mains had been of the fullest.

South Wales Argus. 26th June, 1896
Living on a Pittance

John Tayne was summoned for deserting his wife and children and neglecting to provide reasonable maintenance for them. The parties had been before the court several times. - The woman said that the man had always treated her in a most brutal manner. He had been to prison for ill-treating her but she only wanted maintenance. She had seven children, and when her husband was in work he allowed her only ten shillings a week. The police record showed the man had been brought up for assaulting his wife no less than seven times. - The Bench ordered defendant to allow his wife twelve shillings a week.

South Wales Argus. 17th July, 1896
Lunatic at Large

William Perrett, labourer, who has lived near the Cefn, was brought up before Newport Police Court this morning on the charge of being a lunatic wandering at large at Malpas on Thursday night. Inspector Capper found the man on top of a hay-rick brandishing a big stick to keep people away. He enticed him down and then took him into custody. He was sent to Abergavenny Asylum.

South Wales Argus. 25th July, 1896
Parachute Disaster

Mlle. Albertina ascended by means of a balloon, from the Exhibition Grounds at Cardiff on Tuesday, to nearly 6,000 feet in order to descend by parachute. Having reached the appointed height, she unloosed her parachute, but she was carried eastwards towards the Bristol Channel into which she must have descended. From that time till Friday night her fate remained a mystery. At about ten o'clock on Friday a girl named Mary Waggett of Nash, told her father that she had seen a body lying on the bank of the Bristol Channel. The police were informed and a constable went to the shore, and there on the edge of the bank he saw the body lying. He knew at once it was the missing parachutist; he recognised the dress which had been described, and she had attached to her shoulders the straps and hooks by which she was suspended from the parachute. The body was taken to the village church at Nash where it lies awaiting the Coroner's investigation. We understand that Mlle. Albertina was 14 years old and it was only the second time she had attempted this feat.


South Wales Argus. 23rd June, 1897
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee

It would seem strange indeed had the Queen's Diamond Jubilee day been marked by anything but "Queen's Weather." This great imperial celebration could not have taken place under better conditions prevailing in Newport on Tuesday. The day was a general holiday and it was natural the town should be crowded in the morning. For two hours or so the crowds were happy to pace the main streets inspecting the decorations, which were general and elaborate; and the trains also were heavily laden with sightseers who preferred riding to walking.

Then came the main item in the day's programme - the military parade on the Marshes to fire a Royal Salute. This attracted thousands of persons and they were rewarded by a most imposing and interesting spectacle. Following this were the United Schools Concert and the Fire Brigade display. After that it was time to return to the town to see the brilliant illuminations, while later many people sought the higher ground in order to catch a glimpse of the Jubilee Bonfires. Between nine and eleven o'clock at night hundreds of persons went to the Double View, overlooking Little Switzerland, for the purpose of seeing the Jubilee Bonfire on Twm Barllwm. On all the mountains around, as far as the eye could see, there were celebratory bonfires. Below in the town a busy hum rose from its streets, broken occasionally by a cheer. In the countryside around, the beacons continued to sound their message that Wales and the West were fitly celebrating an event unparalleled in history.

South Wales Argus. 23rd June, 1897
He Had Fits

William Thomas was charged with being disorderly in Dock Street. P.C. Rawlings said defendant was imposing on people on Friday. He went outside public houses, and falling down, was supposed to be in a fit. People had brought him brandy and money. Defendant pleaded he was subject to fits. The Superintendent said he had not had any fits while in the cells. Alderman Moses said "he could not get any brandy there". Certain people who had been watching the prisoner in the course of the afternoon said he always seemed to have a fit when near a public house. The defendant was remanded until Wednesday to be medically examined.

South Wales Argus. 23rd June, 1897
An Irishman as a Fire Eater

John Reilly, an Irishman, giving an address at the Model Lodging House, dressed as a seaman, was found by P.C. Faulkes asleep in the street with his boots doing duty as a pillow. Inspector Brooks at the Newport Police Court this morning said the man pretended he could eat fire and all such things as that. He got men to tie him with a rope, and then got drunk with the money he received for his feats. The Bench said they could not allow these disturbances in the Street - Defendant was fined ten shillings or 14 days.
South Wales Argus 12th August, 1897

South Wales Argus. 12th August, 1897
Omelette at Large

Alfred Hicks, haulier, was in Griffin Street unloading goods from a trolley. He had disposed of his load and was in the act of turning his horse when the animal stepped on the pavement and fell against the shop window of Mr. T. Huntley, egg merchant, breaking two large panes of glass and many thousands of eggs which flowed freely causing much consternation to passers-by, the horse however was unhurt.


South Wales Argus. 8th July, 1898
Newport Rowing Club

There is no more popular excursion in the year than that organised by the Newport Rowing Club. The club's annual trip to Ilfracombe is not only popular - it is "the fashion" and the ninth excursion which was held on Thursday, was second to none in the history of the enterprise. There were nearly 650 persons aboard including the Mayor and Mrs. Bear, and the company was representative of the youth, beauty, manhood, intellect, rank and wealth of Newport. The ladies were brilliant in summer costumes; the men resplendent in flannels and blazers. The magnificent saloon steamer Britannia left the pontoon at 10 a.m. and Ilfracombe was reached about one o'clock. The return voyage was embarked upon about seven and Newport was reached shortly after ten a.m. Thus ended one of the most successful, and certainly one of the most enjoyable trips ever organised by Newport Rowing Club.

South Wales Argus. 8th July, 1898
An Unpleasant Experience

Whilst Mr. John Trump, an attendance officer under the Newport School Board, was going his rounds the other day he had an unpleasant experience. In passing a house in Mellon Square, occupied by Kate Lyons, a quantity of tea slops was thrown from an upper window. The tea leaves found a resting place on the officer's cap, and some of the liquid trickled down his neck and back, much to his discomfort. The result was a summons for assault, to which Mrs. Lyons appeared at the Town Hall this morning. Mr Trump related the circumstances but defendant said she did not know Mr. Trump was passing and the tea leaves were accidentally showered upon him. She expressed regret for what had occurred. - The Justices, accepting this plea, dismissed the case.

South Wales Argus. 27th July, 1898
Visit of the Scots Guards

Pipers of the celebrated Scots Guards will arrive at Newport at 1 p.m. and will proceed direct to the Flower Show, where they are engaged for the promenade concerts in the afternoon and evening.

South Wales Argus. 6th August, 1898
Accident at Newport

An accident of a startling and serious character occurred on Stow Hill at about ten o'clock this morning. A haulier named Spring in the employ of Messrs W.A. Baker and Co., ironmongers, had taken a horse and spring cart with goods for Stow Hill and Rhiwderin. Just opposite the Workhouse the driver left the horse for a moment to deliver a parcel in Cambria Place and while he was so engaged, the engine at work on the new workhouse buildings evidently startled the animal, which turned round and bolted down the hill. The sharp curve near the Vicarage proved too much for the frightened animal to negotiate, and it ran straight into the wall near Miss Partridge's house, breaking its back and dying in a few minutes. The horse was about six years old and we understand was not a very valuable animal.

South Wales Argus. 28th September, 1898
Suspicious Dog at Newport

There was considerable excitement in the neighbourhood of Ruperra Street and Dock Street this morning. A sailor on board the Lomas, now lying in the Alexandra Dock came ashore bringing a dog, said to be an Irish terrier, with him. When near the Board of Trade offices the animal showed signs of bad temper and began snarling and growling. The owner became frightened, his alarm being intensified when the dog made an attempt to jump through the window of Messrs J. Moses & Co's establishment. It was however secured and deposited at the Seamen's Union. After a time the animal again began to growl and started to foam at the mouth and those persons in the office, thinking discretion the better part of valour, mounted the desk. Shortly after a pistol was fetched and the dog dispatched.


South Wales Argus. 3rd January, 1899
Football - England v Wales

The final instructions issued to the players by the Secretary, Mr. W.E. Rees for the match on Saturday next are as follows:

1) The headquarters will be at the Royal Hotel, Swansea.
2) You must be there not later than 12.15 pm.
3) A saloon will be attached to the 9.50 train from Newport for players and officials.
4) Lunch will be provided for the English and Welsh players and officials at 12.30 pm.
5) You will dress at the headquarters and at 2.00 pm you will drive to the ground.
6) The teams will be photographed at 2.20 pm.
7) Kick-off at 2.45 pm.
8) Dinner at 5.30 pm. when the President Sir J.T.D. Llewellyn, Bart., MP. will preside.
Morning dress.
Should anything happen to prevent you playing, please wire without delay to the Secretary up to noon on Friday, after that to the Royal Hotel, Swansea.

South Wales Argus. 7th January, 1899
England v Wales

A more surprising victory than that of today has never been secured in an International Match. It is true that confidence was felt in many quarters that the Welsh team was capable of holding their own forward and winning by their three-quarters. But no one was prepared for the very fine display given by the Welsh fifteen. It was all dash, fire, and brilliance which marks Welsh football at its best, and England has never been beaten comparable with that of today. The result was: Wales 4G, 2T, 7M; England 0G, 1T, 2M.

South Wales Argus. 9th March, 1899
Who makes the Best Wife?

Who makes the best wife? Why, the girl who knows how to appreciate a good man, and is prepared to make sacrifices to equip him for life's stern battle. A girl of head and heart, a girl who is equally at home in the kitchen and the drawing room - the girl who, should her "husband-to-be" be afflicted with Indigestion, Wind on the Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaints etc., flies at once to the best known remedy in the World, - Page Woodcock's Wind Pills.

South Wales Argus. 13th March, 1899
Newport Borough Police

Monday, before Alderman H.J. Davies, Alderman A.R. Beard and Mr. D. Goldsworthy: for the irregular attendance of their children at school the following parents were fined five shillings:- Joseph Mullins, Sydney Hunt, Richard Upton, Joseph Richardson, Robert Millington, Thomas Hillier, Catherine Hicks, Anna Belgian and William Cody.

South Wales Argus. 1st April, 1899
The Mayor's Minstrel

An organ grinder has been so persistent in his visits to the Stow Park district that he has become a nuisance, and there is a danger of getting too much music. The Mayor, who is empowered to grant permission to these "travelling musicians" to play in public thoroughfares, must refuse some of them applications. Even His Worship is a victim to this nuisance, for strangely enough the Italians usually take up a position outside his residence.

South Wales Argus. 15th April, 1899
Newport's Famous Pedestrian

William Buckler, the world famous Newport pedestrian is suffering from sciatica, which compels him to defer for a time the attempt to further walking feats.

South Wales Argus. 6th May, 1899
Doctor's Advice

A Newport doctor wishes to draw attention to the danger to health arising from the habit, of tram conductors, paper boys and others, of putting money in their mouths. It goes without saying that coins, as they pass through the innumerable hands and pockets, or lie in dirty tills, or rest in crocks on the mantelpiece, must gather dirt and microbes; and to place coins in the mouth while giving change, is not only dirty, but dangerous to health, as all dirty practices are. Most of us are compelled to carry these filthy counters which represent wealth, but let us encourage the substitution of sixpences for sweets. Upon the sixpence maybe the filth of a score of hands, and infection or contagion enough to give a disease to a family.

South Wales Argus. 3rd June, 1899
A Policeman on a Bicycle

A bicycling yarn of an amusing nature has come to my ears. A Newport policeman was cycling, in plain clothes, some miles from the Borough, late at night, when he went over a large stone. The sudden jerk caused his lamp to go out, and in an instant a local constable, who had evidently been on the lookout for "wheelers" who were infringing the bye-laws, rushed from behind a hedge, and pushed the Newportonian off his machine. The local "bobby' was greatly taken aback when he found he had upset a fellow "copper." The matter is, however, not to end there; in fact the case is likely to come before a court.

South Wales Argus. 3rd June, 1899
Pitch and Toss

It is the practice of a certain class of young men in Newport, to spend their Sunday afternoons in discussing the mathematical possibilities of pitch and toss, on the open spaces of our town. After dusk groups of youths can be seen congregating around lamp-posts, and in side streets, gambling. More stringent measures are needed to put a stop to this evil.

South Wales Argus. 25th September, 1899
Street Scene at Newport

W.T. Lawton the pro-Boer lecturer, on remand, appeared at Newport Police Court accused of causing a disturbance in Skinner Street. P.C. Faulkes said he saw defendant standing upon an empty tub. Re was surrounded by a large crowd. He had a newspaper in one hand and a silk hat in the other, and was proclaiming in favour of the Boers. Fearing a riot, he took the defendant to the Police Station; it was a mixed and angry crowd, and they followed Lawton shouting and booing. The crowd had been shouting "throw him in the river" and "burn his whiskers." The crowd numbered about 1500 persons, the street being blocked from top to bottom. An independent witness said he heard the prisoner say that the Boers did not declare war. The crowd became excited at this assertion, and sang "Soldiers of the Queen." The result was that the lecturer dismounted the tub, and was jostled about. Mr. Lawton stated that the charge had not been proved, and that free speech was an Englishman's birthright. The end result was that a fine of five shillings or seven days was imposed.

South Wales Argus. 11th November, 1899
Indecent Cards

At a Newport Police Court on Friday, George Smith, hawker, of Horton's Lodging House in Canal Parade, was charged with offering and exposing for sale indecent cards in Commercial Street and Clarence Place. P.C. Box arrested the prisoner and found indecent cards upon him. P.C. files said he had received numerous complaints, and he had confronted the prisoner with a boy, who identified the man as having sold him cards. Herbert James Hooper said the prisoner came up to him and offered some cards for sale; he paid sixpence for them but did not know what they were, and when he found out he burnt them as he was ashamed. Prisoner was fined forty shillings or one month.

South Wales Argus. 18th November, 1899
Invitation to the 4th Mountain Mule Battery

At the invitation of Mr. Clarence Sounes, the officers and men of the 4th Mountain Mule Battery, R.A., who leave for South Africa in a few days were present on Saturday at a matinee of the farce-comedy "Why Smith Left Home." The house was well filled and the military visitors had a cordial reception. Seats in the pit stalls were reserved for 250. The officers presented Mr. E.H. Grime, the Lyceum Manager, with a silver cigarette case as a slight token of his kindness and courtesy during the time the Battery had been stationed at Newport.

South Wales Argus. 2nd December, 1899
Death of Mr. Francis A. McGinn

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Francis A. McGinn; which sad event occurred at the residence of his brother Dr. McGinn on Stow Hill. The deceased was well known as a painter of promise, and his exhibits at the National Eisteddfod at Newport, attracted a large amount of attention. Re was a Silver Medallist of the Royal Hibernian Academy in 1892, when he had only just entered into manhood. Mr. McGinn was only 21 years of age, and his death has cut short a very promising career.

South Wales Argus. 16th December, 1899
A Neglected Son

Before Alderman D.A. Vaughan and Alderman C.H. Bailey, Thomas Tugby aged 15 was charged with stealing oranges in the Provision Market, the property of Mr. Sheppard a fruitier. The father complained that the lad was incorrigible. The Bench made an order that the child should be sent to the Market Weighton Roman Catholic Reformatory, until he attains the age of 19, both Messrs Vaughan and Bailey remarking that the boy was no credit to his father, neither was the father any credit to the son. It was, said the Chairman, owing to the son's bad bringing up that he was in his present, poor, wretched condition.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Newport Board of Guardians

Colonel Lyne presided at Saturday's Meeting, and prior to the commencement of business, said it had been his privilege for many years to wish the members "A Merry Christmas," but to wish them merriment at such a time as the present would be out of place, (hear hear!!) in view of the sorrowful time through which the Country was passing. He would, however, wish them the compliments of the season.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
The Christmas Holidays

Christmas Day 1899, from the point of view of the weather, was an agreeable change from what had preceded it. Instead of dull and cloudy skies, the morning broke clear and bright; and though there was a little rain during the day, for the most part there was sunshine and blue skies. Underfoot there was mire in abundance, but with smiling skies and the breath of Christmas in the air, even a "Green Christmas" was not without its appropriate cheerfulness. The day was observed in varying ways by different people. Some places of worship hold no serv1ces; most of those which did, had excellent congregations, and the music and services were appropriate to the season. Without external appearances the day might have been taken for a Sunday, except that the tramcars and buses were running, and the crowds in the streets were rather more boisterous. With most people, the day appeared to be celebrated as a time of family re-union, and it was interesting to note the large number of young Newportonians who have been out in the world, and who had returned to join the home circle for this one day of the year.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Boxing Day in Newport

As was expected there was a large influx of visitors to Newport on Boxing Day, and the various places of entertainment, as well as the houses of refreshment, had their full share of patronage. The weather was not very pleasant for there was a fall of thin rain, and there was not a bright moment from dawn till sundown, while the mud in the streets was simply appalling, but this did not dampen the ardour of the pleasure seekers who flocked to the performances at the Lyceum and the Empire, while more adventurous spirits, to the number of about 8,000, attended the Newport and Watsonians football match, and were rewarded by brilliant play and a substantial victory for their favourite team.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Newport v the Watsonians

The annual fixture between Newport and the Edinburgh Watsonians took place on the Newport Ground on Boxing Day in dull weather, there had been rain in the morning and the ground was rather slippery. There was an excellent attendance of spectators. The result was as follows:
Newport 1G 4T 3M; Watsonians 0G 0T 0M

The Newport team consisted of: (Back) D.J. Boots. (Threequarters) W. Isaacs; C. Pritchard; A.J. Goss; H.G. Alexander. (Halves), G.L. Lloyd; L.A. Phillips. (Forwards) G. Boots; J. Hodges; L. Thomas; W. Parfitt; J.E.C. Partridge; P.J. Pritchard; W.H. Williams; A. Inns.

(Note: In those days "minors" were included in the score; i.e. the team crossing the opponent's line, but failing to 'touch down', was awarded a "minor" which served to tip the balance if the scores were equal at 'No side'.)

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
1st Mon. Volunteer Artillery

There was an exceptionally strong muster at the Drill Hall, of the Newport Battery of the 1st Mon. Volunteer Brigade of Position Artillery, on Friday night, for the purpose of showing their part in popular enthusiasm, for active service in South Africa. The officers present were Lieutenant Colonel Wallace, commanding the Brigade; Major Clifford Phillips; Lieutenant E.M. Linton; the Rev. W. Monroe, Chaplain; and Lieutenant J.B. Parnall.

Major Clifford Phillips said they were willing to go to the front. He had asked Sgt. Major Smith to prepare a roll of the men who wanted to go, stating their ages, occupations, experience, and circumstances, so that they may know exactly what their position was. Men who were accepted, would have to do drill for a week or so at Woolwich with 15 pounder breech-loading guns, and then they would be sent to the front.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Comedian's Travelling Bag

Alfred Harry McBean was charged at Newport on Wednesday with stealing a Gladstone travelling bag from a bench on Newport Station, the property of Mr. Peregrine Rice, a comedian now appearing at the Empire Theatre. P.C. Faulks saw the prisoner at the top of Cross Street, and on making enquiries found that the bag had been left in charge of Miss Buckley, barmaid, at the Hope & Anchor, Dock Street. Miss Buckley gave evidence of the man's visit to the inn. He requested to leave the bag behind the counter for a while, and after she had taken it, he wanted drinks upon it. She however refused. The prisoner, who pleaded not guilty, was committed for trial at Monmouth Quarter Sessions.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Pig in a Dog Box

Edmund Griffiths and Henry Thomas, railway officials, were summoned for moving a pig from Brecon to Newport without a licence. George Cripps, a guard on the Brecon and Merthyr Railway deposed that on the 9th inst. he came from Brecon by train, which conveyed a store pig in a box. Upon arriving at Newport the animal was handed over to Mr. Thomas's man. Inspector Porter pointed out that a "declaration of trade" obtained from the Brecon police was no authority to move the pig into Monmouthshire. The Bench inflicted a penalty of ten shillings including costs.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Newport Tradesman's Offence

Wyndham Frank Habberfield, butcher of Commercial Road, admitted driving a spirited horse in High Street. P.C. Perry stated that defendant almost knocked down several persons. The animal was not under proper control, and was travelling at about twelve miles an hour. The defendant was fined twelve shillings and costs.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
High Spirits

Elizabeth Daley of Maindee, was seen to be intoxicated in Wharf Road, having imbibed too freely of spirits. The Court told her it would be her last chance, next time she would be sent to an inebriates' home for three years. Fined twenty one shillings and in default a month.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
No Boots

Daniel Morgan, labourer, was summoned for disobeying an order of the Justices, by not sending his son to school. Defendant stated that the lad had no boots and the Chairman, Alderman D.A. Vaughan, pointed out that boots could be obtained upon application to the Relieving Officer. Defendant was fined five shillings.

South Wales Argus. 30th December, 1899
Nursery Operetta

An Operetta "The Maid and the Blackbird or Sing a Song of Sixpence," was given at the Tredegar Hall, Newport, on Wednesday evening. The performers were children, and their efforts are to be commended. The dances were arranged by Madame Ada Thomas and Miss Belle Thomas and the musical drills by Mr. Tom White.

South Wales Times & Star of Gvent. 1900
Service at St. Mark's

In accordance with the usual custom, a Watch-Night Service was held at St. Mark's Church on Sunday night (New Year's Eve). Although the service was a short one, it seemed to be greatly appreciated by the large congregation that filled the sacred edifice.

The Jubilee Year

The Jubilee proclaimed by Pope Leo XIII throughout the world was observed by the Catholics of Newport at the dawning of the New Year. There was Midnight Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Mary's and St. Michael's Churches, at both of which there were crowded congregations.

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