1, Skull, Ernest - fitter ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
2, Searle, Wm - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
3, Goldsworthy, FHT - pilot ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
4, Goldsworthy, GA - pilot ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
5, Punchoad, Wm G - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
Hill, Thos J - builder & shop fitter ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
6, Perchard, Mrs Margt S - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
7, Mitchell, Walter F - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
8, Nicholas, Oliver - boilermaker ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
9, Jones, Wm - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
10, Day, - ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
11, Fry, Richd - trimmer ~ RUTLAND PLACE |
Many thanks to Dave Woolven who transcribed the street directory.