1, The Hawthorns, Propsser, T Morris - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
3, The Woodlands, Martyn, CG - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
5, Lynwood, Jupp, JF - civil engineer ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
7, Roasetta, Evans, Osborne - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
9, Brynholme, Orders, Mrs - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
13, Stoughton, Davies, AJ - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
15, Elmscott, Moore, W Lyndon - DL ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
17, St Quentin, Bailey, Geo B - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
19, Grouville, Evans, Colonel John - DSO, JP, &c ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
21, Cader Idris, Howell-Evans, Mrs Elaine - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
Evans, Major Victor - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
23, Wynstay, Jones, Misses MH & GH - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
25, Boverton, Wilkes, Frederic - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
27, Banks, Reginald C - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
29, The Grange, Iles, Henry W - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
31, The Grange, Phillips, Wm - bank manager ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
33, St Helens, Chambers, WH leGrand - Justice of the Peace ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
35, St Olaves, Davies, Mrs T - ~ OUTER CIRCLE, STOW PARK CIRCLE |
Many thanks to Dave Woolven who transcribed the street directory.