Johns' 1933
Newport Street Directory:


2, Baggs, T - accountant ~ CHELSTON PLACE
3, Edmunds, C - engine driver ~ CHELSTON PLACE
4, Maggs, Thos H - ~ CHELSTON PLACE
5, Telling, Mrs Rebecca H - ~ CHELSTON PLACE
6, Luke, Wm T - salesman ~ CHELSTON PLACE
7, Arnold, HaRRY - police constable ~ CHELSTON PLACE
8, Olsens, Mrs E - ALCM, professor of music ~ CHELSTON PLACE
Crindau House, Jones, Griffith J - Justice of the Peace ~ CHELSTON PLACE
Davies, Chas - steward, Crindau House, Labour Hall & Club ~ CHELSTON PLACE


Many thanks to Dave Woolven who transcribed the street directory.

