From top of North street to Saint Woolos road.
1 Skinner W. New Inn
2 Dyer Frank, painter
3 Turner Mrs. Thos
4 Scard Thos. labourer
5 Pritchard R. labourer
6 Weston Geo. machinist
7 Sheppard Leonard
8 Morgan Mrs. Hannah
9 Gillard John, baker
10 Houghton Wm. Water works
11 Evans Sarah, widow
12 Taylor Geo. smith
13 Waters Jas. labourer
14 Bromley Chas. plasterer
15 Rogers John, labourer
16 Milnes Wm. steward
17 Lee Samuel, labourer
18 Price Wm. tailor
19 Cooke Wm. labourer
20 Brunt Bros, grocers, bakers and confectioners
21 Abbot Wm. railway police
22 Gippin Jas. timekeeper
23 Boucher James, sailor
24 Molloy Moses, labourer
25 Compton George, smith
26 Lang W. shipwright
27 Lang Mrs. E.
28 Moore W. brazier
29 Warren Geo. cellerman
20 Blake Thos. labourer
31 Jones Ann, widow.
32 Browning Albert, carpenter
33 Tiley James, salesman
34 Coles Walter, shop assistant
35 Hopkins Wm. labourer
36 Peters J., road contractor
37 Daymond Samuel, grocer
38 Jones George, grocer, &c.
39 Cook Sarah, widow
40 Hart Henry, tailor
41 Morgan Hy. mechanic
42 Wallace John, labourer
43 James John, painter
44 Smythe Jno. H. saddler
45 Stone Jane, shopkeeper
46 Wright Chas. painter
47 Dowdall Fred, mason
48 Porter Albert, Clifton tavern
49 Ellaway Sidney, labourer
50 Lewis Lewis, shopkeeper
51 Teesdale Thos. tailor
52 Capel John, labourer
53 Gabb Richard, labourer
54 Mogford Richard
55 Williams Ll. reporter
56 Shewring Geo. painter
57 Brickley Wm. shoemaker
58 Lewis Dd. hawker
59 Edwards Jas. mason
60 Watkins Geo. painter
61 Hiscock Henry, smith
62 Charles Edwd. carpenter
63 Edwards Geo. plumber
64 Williams Swinfield, labourer
65 Bailey Henry, labourer
66 Jones Wm T. mason
67 Richards D. W. mason
68 Sullivan Michael, tailor
69 Adams Wm. labourer
70 Evans Thos. coal merchant
71 Morgan Thos. labourer
72 Harding Hannah, widow
73 Honeywill Thos. tailor
74 Green Wm. chairmaker
75 Fowler Joseph, smith