From 136, Commercial street to Victoria place
U. Methodist Free Church
1 Christopher W. contractor
2 Copp Ed. T. mason
here is Ivor street.
Mount Zion Chapel, Welsh
3 Higgs Geo. wagon inspector
4 Smith Mrs E.
5 Matthews Mrs J.
Matthews Miss Ada, teacher of music
6 Hill Hannah, widow
7 Freshfield George D.
8 Wangler Ed. carpenter
9 Conta D., French teacher
10 Marshall Mrs Sarah A.
11 Jones Charles
12 Fry Mrs S. dressmaker
Victoria Road Congregational Church
13 Christopher Edward, H.M.'s Customs
14 Williams Henry, inspector
15 Hall Miss Isabel
16 Wilson William Henry
17 Stock J. H.
18 Ridge Sophia, widow
19 Pond Wm. manager
20 Woodcock Vernon W.
21 Hazell Mrs Mary
22 Bell Geo. printer
23 Jones William, tinman
Jones S. A. school
24 Void
25 Hall Miss, boys' school
26 Hoffman John, baker
27 Huxtable A.G. Customhouse officer
Gowen Wm. porter
28 McCombe T. lay reader
29 Nancekievill Wm. porter
30 Hobbs S. G. machine agent
31 Whittaker Wm. haulier
32 Pullen Wm. painter
33 Attwood Henry
34 Gilbert Jas. labourer
Liberal Association Rooms - W. H. Brown, agent
Jones' tin workshop
Turner's auction room