Kelly's 1848 Newport Directory
Butchers 1876 Newport Directory
Johns' 1886 Newport Directory
Johns' 1897 Newport Directory
Johns' 1905 Newport Directory
Johns' 1914 Newport Directory
Johns' 1927 Newport Directory
Johns' 1933 Newport Directory
Johns' 1938 Newport Directory
Johns' 1946 Newport Directory
Johns' 1950 Newport Directory
Newport Pubs
Newport Residents in Usk Gaol
Baptisms at the Great Central Hall 1908 - 1932
Newport (St Woolos) 1845 Tithe Map and Apportionment
Newport (Christchurch) 1840 Tithe Map and Apportionment
Caerau Park
Caerau Road
Caerleon Road
Cambria Cottages
Cambria Place
Canal Parade
Canal Street
Canal Terrace
Canon Street
Capel Crescent
Capel Street
Cardiff Road
Carlisle Place
Carlisle Street
Caroline Street
Carpenter's Arms Lane
Castle Precincts
Castle Street
Caxton Place
Charles Street
Charlotte Street
Chepstow Road
Christchurch Road
Church Path
Church Road
Church Street
Clarence Place
Clarence Street
Clifton Place
Clifton Road
Clifton Terrace
Club Row
Clyffard Crescent
Clytha Crescent
Clytha Park
Clytha Park Road
Clytha Square
Clytha Terrace
Commercial Road
Commercial Street
Commercial Wharf
Constable's Lane
Coomassie Street
Corn Exchange Chambers
Corn Street
Courtybella Street
Courtybella Terrace
Crescent Road
Cross Lane
Cross Street
Crown Street