Butcher's 1876
Newport Street Directory:

Dolphin street

(From 55 Commercial road to Dock street.)     
3 Flood James, mechanic     
4 Jones William, mechanic     
4 Oscroft Edmund, hair dresser     
Here is West Market street.     
5 Smith James, William, grocer     
6 Fullilove Joseph the Dolphin     
7 Edman William, mechanic     
8 Thomas William, hobbler     
9 Riley Jeremiah, mariner     
10 Watkins John, storekeeper     
11 Hughes William, shopkeeper     
12 Williams Mrs. Sarah     
13 Todman Charles, mechanic     
16 Davies Edward, canvasser     
17 Lewis Thomas     
18 John, Thomas, grocer     
29 Jones Thomas, general dealer     
41 Loth John, greengrocer     
43 Heydermann Mrs. beer retailer     
46 Brown Alfred, railway guard     
48 Brooks Mrs. greengrocer     
49 Dunn Francis, contractor     
50 Sheryn John, mechanic     
51 Francis Mrs. Elizabeth,     
53 Lawrence J. W. greengrocer     
59 Walker William, bootmaker     
68 Gibson William, mechanic     
69 Hockey Eliza, beer retailer     
72 Winterbottom. John, fireman     
73 Wright SamL tripe dresser     
74 Taylor Miss, general shop     
75 Eastmond J. watchmaker     
here is Duke street.     
77 Bartlett Thomas, grocer     
79 Williams Henry, haulier     
80 Stevens John     
81 Evans Mrs. Sarah     
82 Smith Joseph J. plasterer     
86 Redman George, greengrocer     
88 Davies Francis, greengrocer     
89 Gardener Horace, bootmaker     
92 Gruar Thomas, J. watchmaker     
93 Davies Thomas, mechanic     
94 James Frederick rent collector     

