The Old West Gate of Newport, Monmouthshire

"Handbook of the Geography and History of Monmouthshire."
by A. Morris, Headmaster Bolt Street Board Schools, Newport.
Published by A.W. Dawson Ltd., Newport, 1901

This illustration predates the very similar one in James Matthews' Historic Newport published 1910 (a sketch by Ivor Johns). Unfortunately neither of these books acknowledge their source. The West Gate was demolished at the end of the 1700s having stood for 450 years. It was originally used for the collection of custom duty and in later years as a prison or 'lock-up'. There is no evidence of it being part of a wall surrounding the town, rather that it stood alone straddling the road at the foot of Stow Hill.

The above illustration would appear to be a copy of the picture below, which was inset in a large view of the 'New' Westgate Hotel 1886. If you know of an earlier version of this please contact us.


The West Gate of Newport 1440