The subject of these illustrations is a design sent in competition, some time since, with about forty others, for the municipal buildings at Newport, Mon. The motto was "Caerleon," and the author, Mr. Thomas M. Lockwood, of Chester, to whom was awarded the second premium, the first being given to Mr, E, A. Lansdowne, of Newport, Mon.
After some little delay these two gentlemen were appointed joint architects, and the works are now being carried on by them, the general arrangement being the same as shown on the plans now illustrated, some slight changes having been made in the elevation towards Commercial Street.
The irregularity of the site, and the difference of levels, presumed some considerable difficulties, but a glance at the plans will show that these have been fairly overcome and a good arrangement secured with plenty of light and air.
The basement plan contains the police-offices and thirteen cells, immediately behind the Commercial Street front, the difference of level from front to back, about 10 feet, admitting of the entrances to this department on the level of Dock Street
The remainder of frontage to Dock Street and Austin Friars is devoted to fire-engine house, prison attendant's house, and various offices for nuisance inspector, cemetery clerk. School Board, &c; the exigencies of the site also demanded an entrance to be left for access to premises in the rear originally terminating at the old line of street.
On the ground floor, accommodation is obtained for the municipal offices, with entrance from front and back streets, the council chamber, 42 feet by 30 feet, being placed at the angle of Dock Street and Austin Friars, having public entrance and Gallery accessible from the latter.
The police-court is placed where shown on the plan, with entrance for public from Dock Street, and for magistrates and officials from the main street, the communication with the cells below being by a flight of steps from the basement leading directly into the dock.
The assembly-room is placed on the first floor over police-court and offices, occupying a space of 62 feet by 35 feet; it is 28 feet in height, and has two main entrances by means of broad stone stairs from the two streets before, named, besides special entrances to the platform, and retiring-rooms for ladies and gentlemen adjacent.
The first stone of the building was laid in July last, and the works are being executed by Mr. John Linton, of Newport, whose tender, amounting to 23,121l was the lowest.
The whole of the dressings to the lower streets, and the entire, front, with the tower in Commercial Street, is being executed in stone from the Grinshill quarries, near Shrewsbury.
The warming and ventilating arrangements are being carried out by Messrs, Haden & Son, of Manchester and Trowbridge; the fireproof construction by Messrs. Dennett & Ingle, of Whitehall, London; and the Locks and special ironmongery by Messrs, Charles Smith & Sons, of Birmingham, under the superintendence of Messrs. Lockwood & Lansdowne, joint architects.
See also: Newport's first town hall 1843 and 1874 Back |