The Guard Of Honour, Royal Visit To The Orb Iron Works, 1944
Home Guard? Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" March 29th 1944. Published by Mullock & S...
Presentation of Bouquets, Royal Visit Lysaghts 1944
Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth being presented with their bouquets. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire...
Princess Elizabeth Visiting The Orb Iron Works 1944
Princess Elizabeth, Mr James Lysaght, Sir Reginald Clarry, MP, Ald JR Wardell JP, and the Chief Constable of Newport. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to...
King George VI Setting Off On A Tour Of The Orb Iron Works, 1944
Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" March 29th 1944. Published by Mullock & Sons Ltd.
Queen Elizabeth Visiting The Orb Iron Works Newport 1944
Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" March 29th 1944. Published by Mullock & Sons Ltd.
King George VI Visiting The Orb Iron Works 1944
The King and Mr EC Lysaght strolling through the works. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Lt...
Operatives At The Orb Iron Works Newport 1944
Photographed during the royal visit March 29th 1944. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" ...
King George VI Visiting The Orb Iron Works, March 29th 1944
Lysaghts staff line the route inside the works. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" March...
Maintenance Men Welcome The Queen, Royal Visit To The Orb Iron Works
Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport Monmouthshire) of John Lysaght Ltd" March 29th 1944. Published by Mullock & Sons Ltd.
The Queen And Mr Tom Crowther During Royal Visit To The Orb Iron Works Newport 1944
Princess Elizabeth - the future Queen Elizabeth - and Mr James Lysaght in the background. Photo: "Souvenir of Visit of His Majesty King George VI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth to the Orb Iron Works (Newport...