Thomas Crowther, Mayor Of Newport 1930 - 1931

Photo reference number: 2286

Photo and text from Johns's Newport Directory 1932.

The Mayor Of Newport

Thomas Crowther was born at Wolverhampton on November 12th, 1879, and started to work at an ironworks at the early age of 12 years. He was left an orphan at the age of six, a circumstance which, no doubt, filled him with the desire to do something to augment the family's resources. As his friend Councillor Wardell so pithily puts it, "He worked six months all nights so that he could dodge the factory inspector." In common with others who have risen from humble beginnings to be leaders of their fellowmen, he early realised that hard study was the "Open Sesame" to the goal he would aspire to, and to the organisation connected with his chosen calling, The Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, he gave of his best until the time came when he was appointed secretary of No. 3 Newport Branch. No finer tribute could be paid than that of Mr. W. R. Lysaght, C.B.E., who said at the Mayoral luncheon, "Mr. Crowther has carried out every agreement and arrangement we have come to."

Mr. Crowther was the successful candidate in the Liswerry Ward in 1921, and has represented that Ward continuously since that date. The services he has rendered and the spirit in which he has carried out his duties entitle him to the highest honour in the gift of his adopted town. Perhaps his keenest wish is to see the boundaries of Newport extended and development of new industries in the town, and he misses no opportunity of putting forward the advantages of Newport on all suitable occasions.

He married, in 1904, Miss S. A. Batson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Batson, of Wolverhampton, and there are three children of the marriage. The Mayoress has been the inspiration of her husband in the truest sense and their mutual sacrifices are rewarded in the achievements of their children. A son, Dr. Crowther, gained his diploma at the early age of 22 ; another son was a fully-qualified chemist at 21; while their daughter, Florence Hilda, won a scholarship at the High School, where she is at present.

In the world of sport, Mr. Crowther is well known for his interest and work on behalf of Newport County Association Football Team, and in many other directions in athletics.

His selection as Chief Magistrate was an extremely popular one, and he has received heartiest congratulations and good wishes from people of all shades of opinion.

List of Newport's Mayors