Walter Thomas Griffiths, Mayor of Newport 1928 - 1929

Photo reference number: 2313

Walter T Griffiths and his wife Eleanor (nee Ford).

After working as a baker's boy when thirteen and then at the Panteg Steel Works, Walter joined the GWR. He worked his way up to the occupation of engine driver and then was active in the union movement. Here he progressed to the position of President of NUR in 1936.

Following work in London on union business he caught a train to return to Newport on Thursday December 22nd 1938. When the train was in the Swindon area he fell from his carriage and died. It is thought he had taken a nap and on awakening mistook the outside carriage door for the corridor door.

Mr Brunnock, who had been sharing the carriage with him, reported that when he returned to the carriage from the dining car Walter had been asleep. He too decided to take a nap. He was awoken by a blast of cold air and found the outside door open. He and the train's guard searched for the missing passenger to no avail.

The driver of a goods train reported seeing a body by the track to the Uffington stationmaster and the body proved to be that of Walter Griffiths.

What a tragic accident for an ex train driver and the president of the NUR!

Mr Brunnock told the enquiry, "He (Walter Griffiths) was in good spirits, joking and talking about his Christmas Day birthday." (Walter would have been 55 on December 25th.)

Mark Lawrence kindly sent us the photo.