Morgan, Thomas was born at Newport in 1865, and comes of good Monmouthshire stock. His father - Mr. John Thomas Morgan - who, at the time of writing, is still alive, was a native of Michaelstone-y-Vedw; and his mother was a daughter of the late Mr. John Broad, ship-builder, of Newport. Educated at Taylor's school, Pillgwenlly, Mr. Thomas Morgan, in 1887, started in business for himself as a family and shipping butcher in Alexandra road, and is today the senior partner in the business of T. Morgan and Sons Ltd., wholesale meat salesmen, shipping provedores, and Admiralty contractors, of Newport, Cardiff and Barry, his two sons - Mr. Thomas Reginald Morgan and Mr. Frederick H. Morgan - being associated with him. Mr. Morgan has recently completed his term of office as president of the National Federation of Meat Traders, this high honour being the fitting culmination to over 25 years' services to the development of organisations connected with his trade. Amongst the offices which he has held, or still holds, may be mentioned the following: President for four years Newport Butchers' and Cattle Dealers' Association, president Bristol Channel Shipping Butchers' Association - which, by the way, he was instrumental in organising, organiser of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Retail Allied Meat Traders' Association, chairman of the Newport Butchers' Advisory Committee, member of the Live Stock Allocation Committee, chairman of the Trade Advisory Committee to Tribunals, member of the Executive Committee of the Meat and Allied Trades Fund of the League of Nations Union, member of the Executive Committee of Commercial Motor Users' Association Incorporated, member of the Board and on the Parliamentary Committee of the Early Closing Association, and a member of the Smithfield Club. On 22nd April, 1920, he was elected president of the Newport Chamber of Trade, of which body he was one of the founders. At the Smithfield Show, 8th December, 1919, Mr. Morgan had the honour of being presented to His Majesty the King, which ceremony was followed by ten minutes genial but earnest conversation. Mr. Morgan has also been honoured by his Federation with a nomination to stand for Parliament, but this he declined. He is a prominent and enthusiastic Freemason, having been initiated in 1892. Was W.M. of his lodge in 1901, and again in 1906; he is today Director of Ceremonies of the St. VVoolos Chapter, Past Master of the Keystone Lodge of Mark Masons, a member and present officer of the Rose Croix, a Knight Templar, and a member of the Thirtieth Degree. Mr. Morgan married, in 1887, Fanny, daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Dalton, of Cardiff, and they have two sons, mentioned above. Mr. Fred H. Morgan joined the 1st Monmouthshire Regiment in August, 1914, went with them to France, and in April, 1915, during the desperate and heroic fighting at Hill 60, was seriously wounded. He now manages the Newport branch of the business, whilst his brother, Mr. Thomas Reginald Morgan, controls the firm's operations at Cardiff and Barry. Mr. Morgan has three grandsons, the name being still perpetuated, and it will be seen that all four generations are alive today. It is worthy of mention that during the war one of the firm's motor vans was fitted up to accommodate eleven stretcher cases, and was of great service in the transport of the numerous convoys of wounded from Newport Station to Wooloston House Hospital, and their fine equipment of motor transport vehicles was at the disposal of the authorities for ambulance and volunteer purposes. Mr. Thomas Morgan (he is popularly and affectionately referred to in business and social circles as "Tom" Morgan) has notallowed his outstanding business success or public work of a national character, with its attendant honours, to detach him from the scenes and associations of his early days, and it is therefore now due to be recorded that he is not only a member of the Commercial road Baptist Church, but holds office as deacon. He believes, too, in the future of Newport. He was one of the founders of the Newport Development Association, and is on the executive committee. Address: 68 Commercial road. Tel. 3295-6. Residence : Brightholme, Stow Park avenue. Tel. 3295.