A White House Studios postcard.
From the Rhondda Leader 25th January 1908:
Cardiff Empire. "The Globe of Life Next Week. The marvellous performance of Wizard and Irene Stone, who cycle inside an immense steel globe, known as The Globe of Life," will be witnessed at Cardiff Empire next week. Carrie Laurie and her juveniles are also on the bill. It was Carrie Laurie who was first in the field with a juvenile troupe, and despite the fact that imitators have appeared, she is still easily first in point of merit. Miss Laurie and her little charges reside in a large 14-roomed house when in London, at Brixton. One large room contains a piano and organ, and is set apart for practises, another accommodates the dressmaker, who makes all the children's wardrobes for the stage, and another large apartment is used for dressing and making up, which is all done before leaving the house to go to business, to which the kiddies are conveyed in a pair-horse omnibus. Miss Laurie's splendid stage experience admirably fits her for the work of training the young idea. She studied singing and voice production under the tuition of Signor Visetti, and toured England and America with the late Sir Henry Irving. She also played several seasons under the management, of Mr. Willie Edouin, and has appeared as principal boy in many of the leading pantomimes.