Text and photo from Johns's Newport Directory 1896:
Councillor John Richard Richards, J.P., although not Newport born, as some of his immediate predecessors in the Mayoral chair, can lay claim to having spent nearly half-a-century in the place of his adoption. Born at Waengan, near Aberystwyth, in 1824, the present chief magistrate was educated at local schools. At the age of fifteen he became an apprentice to an uncle who was at that time carrying on business as a tailor and woollen merchant in the Cardiganshire seaside resort. Some years later he removed to London, and in 1848 came to Newport on a visit to his brother, the late Mr. R. H. Richards. Taking a liking to the town, which was then a place with a population of less than twenty thousand, Mr. Richards settled down and established in Commercial-street what afterwards proved to be a very flourishing and successful business in the outfitting trade. About nine years ago he retired to "Gogerddan," Maindee, where he still resides. First elected to the Council for the Central Ward in 1877, he was defeated three years later, but after a lapse of some time he was again induced to come forward, and since that time has enjoyed the confidence of the Central Ward electors. Politically the Mayor is an ardent Liberal, and in religious matters a Congregationalist. In neither one or the other can it be said he is a bigot, and whilst being tolerant with others, possesses the happy trait of expressing his views with freedom and firmness. As a member of the Free Library and Technical Instruction Committees he has shown the greatest desire to advance education. He is particularly energetic in the discharge of his many duties, being possessed of a keen desire to be useful to his fellow townsmen. The poor, although his charity is of the unostentatious sort, in him have a firm friend, as many can testify. His election to the office of chief magistrate was unanimous, and there can be little doubt but that at the expiration of the year he will have earned the eulogiums which will doubtless be showered on him when retiring from office. At the time of writing, information had just come to hand that the Lord Chancellor had added his worship's name, among other gentlemen, to the Commission of the Peace for the Borough.