Thomas Henry Hazell

Photo reference number: 1406

(Photo and text from "Who's Who In Newport" 1920.)

Hazell, Thomas Henry is the secretary of the Newport (Mon.) Gas Company, having entered their service as a junior clerk in 1872. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, has been president of the Newport Literary and Scientific Society, and also of the Philharmonic Society. He has always taken a deep interest in all educational matters: was a member of the late School Board, holding office as chairman of the Sites and Buildings Committee. He is an ex-governor of the Intermediate Schools. Assisted in the founding of the Newport Poor Cripples' Aid Society, of which he is one of the Trustees. Elected on the committee of the Newport Ratepayers' Association in 1909. Has been for many years an active working member of the Chamber of Commerce. After service on the Council of that body, he was appointed its hon. treasurer in the year 1913, resigning this office in 1916 on becoming a vice-president, was unanimously elected president for 1917. He entered enthusiastically into the promotion of the Newport Volunteer Training Corps - afterwards the Monmouthshire Volunteer Regiment - obtaining in 1916 a certificate of proficiency in connection with the signalling section. Office: Mill Street. Telephone: 2257. Residence: Eborville, Caerau Road. Tel. 2957.