Francis Edward Battersby

Photo reference number: 1405

(Photo and text from "Who's Who In Newport" 1920.)

Battersby, Francis Edward was born at Preston in 1872, and received his early education at Preston Grammar School. He went to Cambridge in 1891 as a Foundation Scholar of Queen's College, and in 1894 graduated B.A. with Mathematical Honours (7th Senior Optime), taking his M.A. degree in 1898. He was Mathematical Master at Heath Mount School, Hampstead, from September, 1894, to December, 1895, and for six months at Hereford County College, coming to Newport Intermediate School in a similar position in September, 1896. He was elected Headmaster in April, 1905, which position he still holds. He has seen the school doubled in number during his headmaster ship. He is a member of the Welsh County Schools Association and of the Incorporated Association of Headmasters. Is an able preacher, whose ministrations are much appreciated by local Congregationalists. Residence : Ingleside, Fields Park Crescsnt.