Arthur James Stevens

Photo reference number: 1404

(Photo and text from "Who's Who In Newport" 1920.)

Stevens, Arthur James was born at Chobham, Surrey, in 1842, and was educated privately and at Cheltenham College. He is a son of the Rev. William H. Stevens, and in 1860 was articled as a pupil to Messrs. Barrett Exall and Andrews, Reading. For many years he occupied the position of managing director of the Uskside Engineering and Rivet Co., Ltd., which is now one of the largest industrial concerns in the district. Mr. Stevens is a magistrate for the County Borough of Newport, he has been a member of the South Wales Institute of Engineers since 1867, and was its president during the years 1894-5-6, and is a member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and president of the Newport Ratepayers' Association. Residence: Lawnside, 2 Stow Park Circus. Tel. 2850.