Peter Wright, Mayor of Newport 1919 - 1920

Photo reference number: 1332

(Photo and text from "Who's Who In Newport" 1920.)

COUNCILLOR PETER WRIGHT, who has been elected Mayor of Newport, was born 6th October, 1867, at Grangemouth. In early life, indeed, whilst yet a mere boy of eleven, he entered upon a seafaring career, and continued therein for many years, rising ultimately to the rank of ship's officer. In 1891 he went to Cardiff, and took up work as a landsman at the Mount Stuart Dry Dock. Subsequently - in 1899 - he removed to Newport, where he has since been established in business as contractor in connection with shipping visiting the Port.
In his physical characteristics he enjoys a wide reputation in the athletic world, being preeminently a wrestler, in which branch of muscular exercise he has to his credit very notable successes in some of the greatest contests on record. He has acted as hon. instructor to the police forces of both the Borough of Newport and the County of Monmouth, and he established a physical culture class for newsboys, with a view to preparing them for entry into the naval and military services. In 1882 he vanquished all competitors in the one mile swimming championship in the Firth of Forth, and also won a similar position in the contest for throwing the hammer. Abroad, equally as at home, he has gained renown for his prowess in athletic competitions, as, for instance, when in 1889, he won the five-mile race of Calcutta and the 120 yards hurdles and the long jump.
In his municipal career he has occupied most of the responsible positions which could possibly fall to the lot of a public man. Almost at the beginning he was a member of the old School Board at Barry and then at Newport, being at one time vice-chairman here. His enthusiasm in the cause of education has ever since continued unabated, the importance of his services on the Newport Education Committee being emphasised by the fact of his being appointed deputy-chairman of that body. His first introduction into the Council Chamber was in 1905 as the representative of the Alexandra Ward, with the interests of which section of the town he has always been closely identified.
Mr. Councillor Wright, in regard to his personal history, has passed through vicissitudes of fortune and through experiences of peril and adventure on sea and on land which, if recited at length, would form one of the most exciting and fascinating biographies of modern times. As a public speaker he has a remarkably strong steady voice, and a deliberate style of delivery which compels a wrapt attention on the part of his audience. He is well entitled to rank as an orator of no mean order. The ability with which he can handle public questions is born of an intimate acquaintance with the practical things of everyday life, and hence his undeniable influence in dealing with the masses on subjects of social progress. He has travelled very extensively - one may pretty well say all over the world; and not the least picturesque feature of his accession to the mayoral dignity is to be found in the fact that he was in the United States, far away in Dakota, when the cablegram reached him from the Town Clerk of Newport informing him of the choice of the Council, and by means of aeroplane, express trains, and rapid ocean steamer, he was able to arrive in Newport in time for the formal election, and the ceremony of investiture as chief magistrate of this great town and port. This instance may be taken as indicative of the energy, initiative, and success in execution with which the people of Newport may look forward to his year of office as Mayor.
Mr. Wright is a life-long abstainer, but has a weakness for a pipe, or, preferably, a good cigar. He is a married man, and his amiable wife is proud of sharing as Mayoress the distinguished civic honour to which her husband has attained.
He is a trustee of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, and has taken a great interest in the seamen for a number of years, and enjoys the entire confidence of that great leader, Havelock Wilson. Councillor Wright has done a great amount of war work.

List of Newport's Mayors