Newport High School Boys
Combined Registers

Search the combined records 1896 - 1949:

Browse all the 1896 - 1949 records
You can use the wildcard - % - so Tho% will find: Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornley etc.
Search the combined records 1907 - 1924:

Browse all the 1907 - 1924 records

It seems that there were two sets of registers for recording pupils' entries and exits.

One set was recorded in volumes marked '1896 - 1925' and '1925 - 1949'. These have been combined in the database '1896 - 1949' and there are 4320 entries in this set.

The other collection of registers were in volumes marked '1907 - 1909', '1909 - 1913', '1913 - 1917', '1917 - 1920' and '1920 - 1924'. These have been combined in the database '1907 - 1924' and there are 1454 entries in this set. Entry dates go back to 1902.

Admission numbers do not match across these records. It is more likely that '1896 - 1949' ones are correct. By using both databases you are likely to gain some extra information about the pupil in question.

These records were transcribed by Dave Woolven. Follow this link to see his transcription notes and more information about the school records.