Frame tells how he 'tracked down' John Frost's final resting place
and obtained a grant from Newport Council for a new headstone:
"For a long time I searched for the grave of John Frost. I couldn't
believe that no one in Newport knew where this famous son had been laid
to rest. I finally got the information from a copy of his will in Newport
reference library (see a transcription). Here
it said he wanted to be buried with his son and wife at Horfield Parish
Church in Bristol.
After searching the graveyard for hours I found no sign of a stone.
As I was leaving, the vicar approached me with a book which he told
me was a plan of the site made in 1939 by the sexton showing each memorial.
Here I found the name Henry Hunt Frost, John's son. I went to the spot
and found a stone disappearing into the ground with the word Henry on
it. In the ground we found the other bits indicating it was indeed the
Frost grave.
I approached Newport Council who gave me a small grant for a headstone
and Les (Tombstone) Thomas carried out the task and created a beautiful
stone. Neil Kinnock unveiled the stone and it was recorded by the BBC
who interviewed me."
For more information and pictures of this amazing story follow this link.