Pillgwenlly Coal Company
Wholesale and retail coal and coke merchants and factors. National telephone number 86. Chief depot Pillgwenlly Coal Yard, bottom of Commercial Road. Proprietor T. Pullin, Wentwood, Bassaleg Road. (Photo and text from Johns's Newport Directory 190...
C. Pullin Potato Merchant, 82 Commercial Road
Wholesale and retail potato merchant. Ships contracted for fresh meat, provisions, potatoes, vegetables, &c. 82 Commercial Road and Tredegar Hall Buildings. (Photo and text from Johns's Newport Directory 1903.)
Level Crossing Commercial Road - Pill Gates
The level crossing near Albion Street and Frederick Street. Pre electric trams, probably 1902. Note the posters right of picture. The top one is advertising 'NEWPORT LYCEUM' Monday Feb.10 Matinee Saturday February 15', judging by the picture the prod...